A rose protects itself by thorns and a Muslim Woman protects her beauty by her hijab
My hijab covers my body but opens my mind to the greater beauty which is HIM
Hijab has been made obligatory on us by Allah SWT. My hijab is my pride.
A rose protects itself by thorns and a Muslim Woman protects her beauty by her hijab
My hijab covers my body but opens my mind to the greater beauty which is HIM
Hijab has been made obligatory on us by Allah SWT. My hijab is my pride.
Salam, ada penambahan syarat iaitu like fanpage baru Iez ( http://www.facebook.com/harNie11 )Sunat je, tiada paksaan pun. Kalau sudi like la ye. InsyaAllah Iez akan bagi hadiah topup untuk 3 atau 4 likers yg bertuah
Tq ye sebab sudi join GA ni. Good LUck ~
Iez datang melawat peserta,
Fivers Hijabis GA II sudah tamat pada 12 tengah hari tadi,
Nantikan pengumuman pemenang pada 13/14 Februari 2013,
Good Luck :)
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